Latest Past Events

Basic Counselling Course

The Sanctuary Office Bryanpark Shopping Centre, corner Cumberland and Grosvenor Road., Gauteng

Basic Counselling Course.  If you have completed The SSCC (Sanctuary Soul Care Centre). Basic counselling course or equivalent and want to increase your competence as Counsellor.  By joining our intermediate course, please contact us Call +27 (84) 020-2765 or email for further details. Running over 3 Saturdays. 1st, 8th, 15th October Equipping the compassionate, setting the captives free. R500…


Intermediate Counselling Course

The Sanctuary Office Bryanpark Shopping Centre, corner Cumberland and Grosvenor Road., Gauteng

Intermediate Counselling Course.  Basic Counselling Course. If you have completed the BCC from Sanctuary Soul Care Centre and, are interested in pursuing this training further we offer an Intermediate course and an Advanced course as well. The Intermediate Modules 2 and 3 are still available for those wishing to begin training this year Module One has unfortunately been fully booked…


Soul Spa

The Sanctuary Office Bryanpark Shopping Centre, corner Cumberland and Grosvenor Road., Gauteng

Craft mornings. Occupational therapy through craft. Annie Brown - team Diamond painting. R150 Kit to be advised.
